Monday, December 10, 2012

Does Synthetic Urine Work?

Generally, yes it does. US labs haven’t yet developed any genetic testing when it comes to urine samples to determine how real they are because all that they are usually testing for is traces of drugs and anything that suggests the urine sample has been purposely diluted or adulterated. With that in mind, always be sure to double check the integrity of your synthetic urine. You should purchase strips to check the SG, creatinine, and pH balance because these are the same things that are going to be checked at the lab after the tests. If your urine passes these tests and is between 90 and 100 degrees, then you will have no problem passing urine screenings.

However, the above answer shouldn’t be taken to mean you will be completely in the clear. Most labs and collections sites know all about the use of synthetic urine and if they suspect that you are using it, then the collector or employer may ask for further testing on the urine sample if they have doubts about its authenticity. There are even some states where it is a felony to use synthetic urine products.

Obtaining puriclean synthetic urine is simple; I can buy it at TestClear for just a little bit over $40. It's the best synthetic urine on the market and I couldn't be happier with it. If you’re wondering about the longevity of synthetic urine, they say 2 years, but creatinine won’t break down under ultraviolet so this isn’t something to take too seriously. As long as gravity is above 50/50 there is no problem. 

With just one 2oz bottle, I can make 3! I purchase heat packs by the case at the army or navy. This makes for a lot of good practice, because what can someone expect if they mess up with the only heat pack provided? To perform he substitution correctly, one has to be aware that if there is too high of an ambient, temperatures can run. There are some companies that sell redated heat packs, heat packs that will never reach temperature. After all, why should the suppliers care? If this doesn’t work out for the customer, it doesn’t have any consequences for them. In fact, that person will probably just need to purchase another kit if they fail the tests and then need to find a new job and do it all again. 

5-7 panel tests are regulated by the federal government. You can go to a nearby clinic and leave with a free chain of custody test. Labs are only allowed to perform gas chromatography mass spectrometry tests to look for the presence of specific metabolites. Genetic testing is currently unapproved and subsequently, it is unproven. 

The majority of this information is correct but needs better clarification. Though synthetic urine does work, as is stated above, it can still be detected with additional tests. However, this is rarely something to worry about because that extra testing means more expensive lab costs and most labs won’t go through the trouble for no reason. These additional tests can be anywhere from $1,200 to $2,000 per sample. The only way that labs or employers will carry out additional tests is if they have reasonable suspicion that synthetic urine is being used.  

The most important factor is the quality of your synthetic urine. This is what will make or break you. Not all synthetic urines are the same as others when it comes to quality. Every formula varies from another, with some that have more human trace elements than others.